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Zero Regret

Today I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for a major decision I made nearly two months ago. Often we go through life doubting our choices & trying to obtain approval from those around us. Living life without second guessing the ideas God has placed within you gives freedom to live from a place of no regrets.

When your choices are questioned, don't take offense. It's not always meant to be understood by others, God seems to have a sense of humor. That in all honesty I don't always like but, His ways are higher than ours. Yet at times they don't seem to make sense to our limited view points. Daily I am learning that as I live my life with little to no regret my faith is being tested. It is an exhilarating ride! We never want to look back over our lives wishing we had. Instead we want to look back with great joy & gratitude knowing we did! I want today's post to light a fire under you to live your life without looking back at the past. This is a new day, where anything is possible. Trust God more than you do yourself or anyone else. Grant him permission to do amazing things in and through you. Live your life regret free. Never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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May 30, 2023


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