So often we are our worse critic. Forget the naysayers, it's easy to find all of the reasons why we can't bring our dreams to past.

Aren't you tired of watching others create and leave their mark? Why not you and why not now? If we don't take action today, I am pretty certain tomorrow there will be an excuse why the time isn't right. As I scroll through social media, I find it interesting how so many people use this platform to share their ideas and opinions. There's a lot of good info out there, if you have something to share with the world why don't you? Not everyone wants to be a social media influencer, and I do believe we each have an audience that we're designed to impact. It may be a group of young children or up and coming professionals in our field. Some of the most impactful people I've met have been in the workplace. Who shared great advice with me and opened my eyes to see life from a different point of view. I hope you consider pursuing whatever is in your heart to do. When problems annoy us it's typically there for us to resolve. We won't immediately have all of the answers but likely have an idea of where to start. Get up and get things done, stop sitting on the sidelines. Speak up, make a difference and watch how doing so changes you for the better. If anyone can do something great, you can! Why not you and why not now? We are unstuck we are free.
This reminds me of a conversation I had over dinner with friends just last night. One friend was telling me about a job she applied for and had an interview for today. I told her I actually saw that position and while the money was amazing, I didn’t qualify for it. Her response was one that I’m working to make words that I live by. She said, learn it. That’s what all of us do. We don’t go to any job knowing everything, we have to learn it. Then I shared a story about a similar experience where another friend told me she had just gotten a new job as the head of an agency. Once again, I told …