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Writer's pictureQ. Pea

Who Do You Trust?

Have you ever faced a situation that felt impossible to overcome? In these times we must remember God is able to do anything we believe for. It's my belief, at times we're put in these situations to increase our faith and strengthen our reliance on God. Many times we rely so much on ourselves that we fail to ask for guidance. If we aren't careful life can become overwhelming as we begin feeling as if we must bear the burdens alone. In my experience it has not always been easy for me to place my confidence in God. Most of the time His outcome or way to resolve the issue is far different from what I had in mind. His timing is often slower than I expected however, what I know for sure is when I make the decision to place my confidence in Him everything works out for my good. Often times people find themselves feeling hopeless and in those moments of vulnerability for some they may not think to ask God for help. At times we turn to Him as a last resort when He should always be our first option. There are several passages of scripture that advises us to lean on Him. I've asked myself why wouldn't I listen to the person who knows the outcome? We often dismiss those internal messages from Him when they're there to guide us, if we choose to listen . I hope we all develop a deeper level of trust and reliance on God. Please share this with someone you love. And never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!


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