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Who cares what "they " think!

Why do we allow the opinion of others to stop us from doing the things God has placed within us to accomplish? I think we need to be reminded that another human being is just that, they're not God. Not our creator and in the scheme of our lives what someone else thinks of us does not matter. When did we become so concerned with the opinion of a man or woman that we forgot about the opinion of God? People often want to try new things but they're stopped because of a negative comment from someone, more than likely someone they thought would believe in them. In life we must push ahead despite what's being said when we're given great ideas from above. Let's face it, life is tough for us all. People can be jealous and when there's not much going on in their lives some may try to keep you on their level. God has great plans for us all. If we choose to obey, at times we must ignore the voices of others and pursue the dreams that's been placed within. Working daily on our mindset and belief knowing that it's not going to be easy, but the results will be worth it. We can't allow people's inability to see our greatness to become a reason for not pursuing our dreams. Move past that and simply remind yourself that God did not make a mistake when He created you. Live your life so well that you inspire others to do the same. Be free in who God created you to be! And never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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Well said. We are created by GOD as unique. Each of us is created to be special with our own talents.. What we do with the talents. GOD has blessed us with is up to us. More importantly, we should not allow others to discourage us and move us from the paths GOD has equipped us to travel in order to prosper GOD bless you....

Q. Pea
Q. Pea
Mar 07
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Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Great words of inspiration and so very true! Sometimes it’s just as easy (if not easier), to see who our haters are than our biggest supporters. But we must be confident in ourselves and in our God enough to rest in the fact that if he placed it in our hearts, he’s already equipped us with the tools to bring it to life - whatever that “it” may be. In the words of Noel Jones, “if you don’t have any haters, you’re not very gifted”. We just have to silence the noise!!

Q. Pea
Q. Pea
Mar 05
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