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Writer's picture: Q. PeaQ. Pea

There is a passage of scripture that states, help thou my unbelief. Many times we fall short or do not see what we say we belief simply because doubt and unbelief have become greater than our faith and belief. I heard a coach ask, "do you believe your beliefs?" That question has stuck with me and continues to be something I think on constantly. Am I living with doubt or do I truly believe? I asked myself, "why is trusting God hard?" When He's the one who created us, shouldn't it be natural to fully depend on Him? When we speak our level of trust and faith is revealed. Many people have faith when they're able to see a way out or carve out the answer for themselves. But the true test is when you cannot see how things are going to work and you've run out of options and solutions. Daily and moment by moment I am working to build my trust in God, I tell myself that I choose to trust Him. Without a doubt it is a decision we must make. When I listen to the words I speak I am attentive to hear if my language reflects doubt or faith. Biblical principle reminds us "trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding." Unbelief in God and the ideas and abilities He's placed within has stopped many people from following the desires of their hearts. Instead they settle for a mundane way of life while envious of those bold enough to step out in faith. Or at times blaming others for their lack of accomplishments and for not being there as a support system. Something I have learned is this, no one can stop you nor I from succeeding. There are a lot of people in this world that expand beyond our zip code or our group of friends and associates. Could it be that God is trying to expose you to a new group of people? He's capable of creating opportunities beyond anything you or I could ever imagine. Belief in yourself will keep you going despite the challenges. It speaks louder than self doubt, there were days when I felt like no one but me listened to my podcast or read my blog post. But I kept creating with the belief that God would prosper whatsoever I put my hands to. As it is a Biblical principle I use as a constant reminder. It's easy to point the finger at others as it makes you feel better about yourself. But deep down inside you know that self doubt has taken root and is stopping you from pursuing your dreams. I want to encourage you to try again with a renewed belief in God and in the ideas He's placed within you. Do it because you can, do it because you were created to. And never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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Jan 16, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Great insight. Everyone at one time or another has lost faith in GOD. Because its so easy to have faith and believe when things are going your way, (ie, great job, abundance of money in the bank, great relationships). But the true test of faith is when it seems that everything is not great. We should all develop a belief that GOD's word is just and true and have the faith to know that he will fulfill our needs. Having a relationship with GOD will bring us closer to developing that faith. My goal this year is to develop a stronger relationship with him.

Q. Pea
Q. Pea
Jan 16, 2024
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