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Biblical principle reminds us to trust (place confidence, belief, and have faith) in the Lord leaning not to our own understanding. Isn't it funny, we place so much assurance in outside sources and people, while doubting the abilities and ideas God has naturally given us?

Many times we second guess the brilliant suggestions that are placed in our hearts, instead of pursing often we tend to dismiss them. Could it be that we've lost our ability to believe in our creator as well as ourselves? Daily we must think on and speak aloud the truth of who we are while shutting out anything that does not line up with it. Life is wonderful and on the flip side of that, at times can be difficult and painful. Who and what we place our hope in goes a long way in helping us cope with the many ups and downs we all face. May you never lose hope in God or yourself, trust that he is there with you. We are unstuck and we are free!

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Dec 01, 2022

What an important reminder! It’s human nature to trust only the tangible, what we can see. We have to allow ourselves to expand beyond the tangible and expand the limitations we’ve created for ourselves. That definitely takes trust. Trusting ourselves, our abilities and the God in us.

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