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There is More to Me

Do you ever feel that the world is boxing you in? Placing a label on you, to say this is where you belong or this is as far as you can go. If so I am here to tell you that it's time to remove the limits off of your mind that's been ingrained in you by outside influences. The feeling of being restricted by others in my opinion is God saying, "there's so much more to you. I did not create you to be held down by the beliefs of others." I recall applying for a job and as I took the assessment test I felt a sense of frustration. Something within me was saying, "I don't want to do this." For years I felt boxed in by the company I work at. An invisible tag had been placed on me that essentially read, this is what she's good at. Do not remove. And if we're not careful we will go through our lives never moving beyond the point where we were tagged. Let me encourage you that there is so much more to you than you know. Many people live their lives unfulfilled because it feels safe and secure. There is very little risk in staying in their box. Or so many believe, personally I have found for myself that staying boxed in comes at a high price. You never know what's inside of you waiting for the opportunity to be revealed. Whenever you feel that push to try something new why not go for it? There's more inside of you begging to be expressed, don't be afraid to ask God for guidance. As scripture reminds us to acknowledge Him in all our ways and He will direct us.(Proverbs 3:6) And never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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I completely agree with this post and want to also point out that many times we even beat others from boxing us in because we do it to ourselves. Either way, both phenomena are tragic limitations on our true potential and serves to stunt our growth. We’ve all heard the saying “the sky is the limit “, but imagine how different so many of our lives would be if we actually lived by those words! We must not only break out of the small box and remove the labels and limitations others have placed on us, we’ve got to remove the limits we’ve set on ourselves!! We’ve got to think bigger in order to go further. But in order …

Q. Pea
Q. Pea


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