I am whatever I believe myself to be. How many times have you lied to yourself about who you really are? Truth be told you are not a failure & you are not a mistake. We make mistakes and we may fail at something, but I am, should never follow those words. I want you to listen carefully to the phrase that comes after I am each time you speak to yourself or about yourself. Often we are using the power of these words against ourselves, as a weapon instead of an ally. I am who God says I am. I am smart. I am beautiful. I am strong. I am creative. I am innovative. I am power. I am healthy. I am wealthy. I am happy. We choose to think and speak like winners, not like we've been defeated. Today the message is simple, use the power of I am to your advantage, keep saying it until it gets planted into your heart and mind. I am unstuck, and I am free!
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So true. Words are powerful. Whatever you tell yourself, either good or bad, will influence your actions.