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The Little Things

Sometimes its the little things that stops our progress, destroy our relationships, or get into our hearts and causes so much friction. What minute detail are you allowing to nag at you? For some of us, it doesn't take much to be knocked off course. Those small actions that we fail to consistently do can also derail us from achieving greatness. Small changes can create big results in our favor as well. As we begin this new year let's think about what small actions we can do that will set us up for success in our lives. When I refer to success it includes the connection we have with ourselves, God, our family and friends. Are there relationships that needs mending and all it takes is a simple phone call? Can our health be improved by a few little changes? A few moments in prayer with God can greatly enhance our connection with Him. As well as the connection we have with ourselves. Don't allow the small things to become a wrecking ball in your life. Get a hold of them and let them work on your behalf. Never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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Awesome insight. Simply put, we all shouldn't sweat the small stuff.


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

So very true! You often here that for change, just start small. Many times, indeed, small changes lead to big results. Thanks for the encouragement to take the first step to just start small!

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