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Writer's pictureQ. Pea

The Dangers of Complaining

At some point we've all expressed feeling dissatisfied with something or someone in our lives. However, living in a state of constant complaining is not in our best interest. Sometimes we forget that spiritual laws are always working. And often, it's our mouths that causes them to work in the negative and not the positive. I'm reading, Feel the fear and do it anyway. The author challenges us to go 30 days without complaining. Prior to reading this book, I asked God to open my eyes to all of the reasons I have to be thankful. Biblical principle reminds us to do all things without murmurings and disputings. What I've come to understand is this, when we make the decision to complain it shows a lack of appreciation. Have you ever asked God to bless you with something and when He did you complained about it? So often we talk ourselves out of goodness with expressions of discontent and the grumblings of our negative words. It creates an environment for dissatisfaction to grow. Another Biblical principle we want to remember is that our tongue is that of a pen of a ready writer. It's always in position to write the script for our lives be it good or bad based off our words. When you and I become more aware of how complaints are taking us away from where we want to be we will guard our tongue and watch our words. Instead of speaking we will simply shut up! I caught myself today, about to complain and I literally stopped speaking mid sentence. If you think about it, is life really that bad for you? There are people who would trade places with you and I without giving it a second thought. I find that being thankful on purpose brings life into focus. For each of us some days will be better than others, disappointments will show up, unfair and painful events will occur. It's simply the game of life, how we handle it is up to us. I can tell you for sure that gratitude will take you further faster than complaining and a bad attitude. I hope today's post inspires you to think before you complain. We are unstuck, and we are free!

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