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Talk less, do more

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

Have you ever been accused of talking too much or all talk and little action? Many of us use our big talk to impress people while failing to produce results. I'm evaluating myself and encourage you to do the same. When will our words and actions align? Once we get over the need to prove ourselves to others, we can actually put in the work to produce the results we desire.

We are learning the importance of silence, sometimes it's best to let the end product speak for us. In this age of over sharing many find it difficult to be quiet and just do. Let's cut the chatter and put our goals and plans into action. We want to live lives that are producing good results. Aren't you tired of always talking about your dreams or what you will do? Now is the time to start, the beginning always seems hard. Our minds will find hundreds of reasons why we can't, in those moments we must shut down those thoughts. When I think about people who are successful and the challenges they've faced it removes all of my excuses. I firmly believe that we can be and do so much more. That's why the drive to go further is within us, don't kill it. Nurture and follow it. Success in silence is a beautiful thing, no announcement required. It will speak loudly on our behalf. I hope you are inspired to speak less and do more. We are doers, not talkers!

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