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Success by Association

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

Be careful who you're spending time with, taking advice from and sharing your dreams with. Many have heard the phrase guilt by association. Today let's think about success by association. How often do we consider the circle of friends we have and how their influence may be interfering with our success or level of believing? It's hard to dream big when you're surrounded by small minded people. It takes a lot of strength to pull them up, especially when in reality they're content where they are. There's a reason why like minded people are drawn to one another. Biblical principle reminds us to "be not unequally yoked." It's not to say that each person we interact with will think the same as we do, but I believe in our close relationships it's very important to have people who believe at the same level or higher than you do. When we build those types of relationships we learn and grow from one another, while sharing new and innovative ideas.

However if we're constantly explaining why we dream as big as we do, and believe in what seems impossible that eventually begins to wear at our belief in ourselves. From experience I have learned not to lessen my expectations to fit into the limited mindset of another. Today may be a good time to evaluate who's in our immediate circle of friends. Are they pushing us towards our desired results or making us question if we can actually achieve our goals? Success by association, who are you hanging with?

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May 11, 2022

So true!

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