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Stick with It

Working on anything worthwhile requires a lot which can become overwhelming at times. And when we don't see the outcome we desire it's easy to believe that's a reason to quit. I believe when God gives us ideas they are designed to work, although it may be in ways we don't expect. And in a time frame that's different from what we want. We must stick with it, see it through to the end. I have learned that in these times it's a test of our faith and patience. Walking away from our dreams is easier to do than putting in the work needed to make it our reality. It builds our character to press on in the midst of hard times, and shows us how brilliant we really are. You and I were created for a purpose and on purpose. God is strategic and nothing He designs is without a cause. Don't turn your back on yourself, instead turn to God. Ask Him for help, strength and anything else you may need. He deserves a chance to show you what He's able to do for you and through you. Keep going! Never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Totally agree. With the start of this new year of uncertainty, the one thing that we all should lean on is that GOD is GOD, and he will always be there. We must always put our trust in him through the good times and bad, and know that if we believe him to be who he says he is, HE will do what he says...Even today I still must remind myself of that very thing. Thank you so much for your insightful words.

Q. Pea
Q. Pea
Jan 02
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That statement says it all! Thank you for those powerful words of encouragement!!

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