What's got you standing still and not moving ahead in life? It is so easy to become comfortable with not flowing or advancing. Have you ever allowed yourself to become complacent with an uncomfortable circumstance or one where there is no growth? I've been there before, being stagnant is easy it is safe. Because it does not require anything from us and I believe it gives a false sense of security. It's very important that we do not develop a no change mindset. When we fall into this way of thinking it becomes a barrier to our growth and development. God did not create you nor I to live a stunted life, we are designed to flourish. Scripture teaches in Psalms 92:12-14, The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing. How many of us are living wilted lives? Barely making it, not living to our full potential. I believe it's important to take a look over our lives on a regular basis to see what's working and what isn't. I have found myself on jobs that offered employment but little to no advancement and in the comfort of a pay check I allowed myself to become at ease with not growing in my career. It's easy to do when you are comfortable and ok with not being fulfilled. Thankfully, I was also surrounded by people who were go-getters and inspired by them as well. That inspiration led me out the door into something better, we tend to overlook our frustrations. They're often signals to lead us from stagnation to a place of endless growth. I desire to be all that God created me to be and I wish the same for you. May you flourish and flow in your life, when we do our part God will always do his. Thank you for reading today's post. And never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free.
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