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Writer's pictureQ. Pea

Spring Forth

As we prepare for the season to change let me inspire you to spring forth as well. Too often we remain in the same position too long and find it difficult to initiate the necessary changes that are required to create what's fresh and new. Each season of life offers us challenges, good times, diffulties and lessons to learn. God doesn't drop us into new seasons overnight, consider the gradual changes from winter to spring. How days gradually become longer and temperatures begin warming up bit by bit. It gives nature the time to adapt and show forth its beauty. The same applies to us, we can't remain in the winter season of life when we should be blooming and basking in the spring. What are you afraid of? Come forth and allow God to shine brightly through you with the ideas and abilities He's placed within you. Walk freely and with joy into this time of your life. Someone is waiting for you to spring forth. Never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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Mar 18, 2024
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The word that rings so prevalent as I read this inspirational post is “complacency “. So many of us get comfortable where we are that we refuse to grow - or spring forward. It’s because growth requires change and change is uncomfortably, so we fight against it instead of embracing it. As one preacher put it, “many people will remain handicap just they park in the front “. Wow! But if we want to grow and advance into the next season, we have to fight the urge to remain where we are. I join you in the challenge to spring forward to the next season. Greater things are ahead, but we’ll never see them if we refuse to move fr…

Q. Pea
Q. Pea
Mar 18, 2024
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You are spot on!

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