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Setting Goals

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

Let's first begin by defining goal setting. I've heard it described as simple as this, making a list of things you want to accomplish. Yet so many of us fail to see the importance of doing so. Biblical principle reminds us that without a vision people perish. Simply put, if you have nothing to look forward to this can cause you to wither away. While we may still be physically alive our spirits are slowly dying.

What is it that you want? Do you think about life beyond this moment, where do you see yourself in three months? Typically people ask where do you see yourself in one to five years? Many times people can't see that far ahead, I believe that is due to a lack of vision. Setting goals for every aspect of life gives us something to work toward. A reason to live, to get up each day. Our goals make us better people and show us areas where we can improve. Anyone can write down what they want to accomplish. Keeping that list before you, while asking God for guidance. Personally I set goals for the day, I jot them down in my phone. And it makes me feel so accomplished as I check them off throughout the day. I believe that goal setting adds excitement to living, it blows my mind when I hear someone say they're bored. How can that be? There's so much for us to achieve. Often people look upon successful individuals with envy, not realizing many of them had and still maintain a list of goals. You and I can be as successful in life as we choose to be. I heard a man ask, "why aren't you a millionaire by now?" And another suggested making that a goal. Not for the money per say, but for what it will make of you to accomplish this. With God all things are possible. Why not set goals that will exceed expectations? If we believe in ourselves and the abilities God has given us nothing is impossible. Don't let this day end without setting at least one goal.

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