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Setbacks & Challenges

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

As I began working on this post I had to laugh as both laptops were not cooperating and I had to use my phone to get it done. There will always be some sort of challenge thrown our way. I've come to the conclusion that obstacles are there to see if we're going to stick with it or use them as an excuse to give up.

It reminds me of the scripture, the race isn't given to the swift nor the strong but to the one that endure until the end. Funny how it's alerting us we're going to need endurance to fight through to see the outcome. Some of us grind through the setbacks while others choose to quit. Fighting through challenges can be hard but the reward is worth it. The end results are seeing your dreams fulfilled. It's taken me a while to realize that's how life is and I have the choice to roll with it or live on the sidelines. Watching others accomplish things that once seemed impossible. When God places ideas, dreams, and talents within us He already knew all of the things we were going to be encountered with. And He's given us the tools to succeed. If you ever question why some people do amazing things it's because the dream was more important than the obstacles. I understand more clearly now that anyone can be great but everyone isn't willing to pay the price. Whatever it is you're working on keep at it, someday you'll be the example of what perseverance means. And you'll bask in the joy of fulfillment. We are unstuck, and we are free!

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