It's so easy for us to look outside of ourselves pointing the blame at others. I am learning more to look within and hold myself at a higher level of accountability. As I embark upon this journey of inner reflection I am finding that it can at times be difficult to accept certain things. I am where I am because of me, the way I think and believe and the decisions I've made. Inner reflection allows me to accept this truth. It also opens my eyes to those areas where I need to improve upon. When you become aware it's as though a bright light is shining showing you a better way. God desires you and I to be all that He created us to be. And thankfully, He is patient and knows it is a life long process. Growth is a beautiful thing, each of us should experience progress in our lives on a constant basis. There is always something to improve upon. As I look over my life and consider where I am now there's a lot to be thankful for! And there's also a lot of lessons I've learned along the way. Tons of mistakes made that has helped me become stronger and wiser. Looking within is so beneficial to living a life of contentment and happiness. It doesn't mean we beat ourselves up or compare our lives to anyone else's. The past can't be changed, the present moment is all we really have. If there's one thing we do better today than we did yesterday that's a win! Don't be afraid to do the inner work, when we focus on self reflection our lives will bear the good fruit. Never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!
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Well said. Too often in life, we seem to focus on the things we don't have or think we haven't been successful in. But in doing so, we never acknowledge what GOD has truly blessed us with. I call it the small victories. But the Lord gives each and every believer a vision for their lives. What decision we make determines our fate. We must never blame others for our shortcomings. The Bible simply states that " GOD did not give us the spirit of fear, but power, love and a sound mind". But you can only hear if given time for yourself. If he truly speaks to you about your vision, step out on faith to achieve wha…
Great words of wisdom and so very true. There’s so many things in our lives that have happened (or not) that we’ve blamed others for but if we step back and look at what role we play, we will realize we’re the culprit. It’s only until we’re able to do that self-examination can we grow and improve. Otherwise we’ll continue blaming others and not seeing change in our lives because we’re focused on what someone else has done instead of what we’ve done (or not). Thanks for the inspiration and reminder to take more time reflecting on ourselves rather than others!