How many of us have said to ourselves, "I should have been further along than I am". We often try to pinpoint exactly where we missed it, I think with all of the explanations one can imagine, doubt in ourselves must be at the top of our list. So many times we count ourselves out before we try. It's that inner voice constantly feeding us lies about who we are and what we can't do. Attempting to do something and not succeeding the first time doesn't equate to failure. Not doing anything is what I consider failure, how many dreams do we brush to the side because we don't believe in ourselves? How many opportunities are we willing to walk away from because we don't feel like we measure up?
I've found that it takes courage to keep going in the face of internal doubt. The best way to shut it down is to speak uplifting words to oneself. Such as, everything that I need to succeed is within me! If we can manage to find one positive affirmation, say it to ourselves until it gets into our subconscious and is buried in our hearts you and I will be unstoppable. Doubt in our abilities is the major factor in why we aren't progressing. There are people all over the world, some who may be considered less talented than others. That are making their mark and are wildly successful. Why? Because they believed in themselves and have chosen to pursue their dreams in the midst of any doubts and insecurities. I have come to this conclusion, any person who decides to succeed, can! It really is that simple, once someone has a made up mind there's no obstacle that can stop them. How long are we going to allow doubt, which is a form of fear to hold us back? Today may I encourage us all to replace our doubt filled thoughts with those of courage and belief in ourselves.
Great advise. Words to live
Excellent reading and wise words of wisdom to seriously think about. Thanks for the eye openings that we've so often ignored 🙁