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Writer's pictureQ. Pea


Have you heard the phrase, rejection is God's protection? Admittedly when I first heard this it took me a moment to understand what it meant. Being rejected can often leave deep wounds and for some it's difficult to move past. Like each of you reading this post or listening to this podcast, I too, have dealt with the pain of not being accepted, wanted, or liked. Rejection shows up in many ways, the best lesson

I have learned for myself is this. It is ok for others to reject me as long as I don't reject myself. People have rejected me for the way I look, the way I talk, my race, the list goes on. Many years ago people would comment on how dark my skin was and that I was too thin. I remember hearing the voice of God clearly remind me that this is the way He made me. And what people thought wasn't important. Through all of my imperfections I have come to love and accept myself. And when people throw underhanded comments my way I laugh within. So many times I have to thank God for protecting me from people and situations that I thought were good. Friendships that dissolved and opportunities that fell apart. While I felt rejection from these things God was shielding me from what I could not see or know. As we pursue our dreams prepare to be rejected by some, but don't allow it to become a reason for quitting. As we heal from the pain of rejection we will understand how to use it as a stepping stone. This is a very big world and for the few who aren't vibing with you it's their loss. Heal and lovingly move on. God did not make a mistake when He created you, so don't allow anyone to tell you otherwise. Never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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Aug 07, 2023



Aug 07, 2023

Great reminder! Certainly rejection never feels good when it’s happened to us and sometimes we can’t see the positive side of the things in that moment. But, I’ve found truth in the words that sometimes rejection is in fact, redirection. I saw a quote just the other day that I felt worth saving. It said sometimes we don’t get what we want because we deserve better. If we look back at some of the things we didn’t get, we can clearly see the benefit in not having it. If we can just

make an effort to believe that although it may not feel that way at the time, rejection can sometimes be the best thing that could happen, because it…

Q. Pea
Q. Pea
Aug 07, 2023
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