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Put in the Work

At some point we've all had those days when our to do list was long yet our energy and enthusiasm was short. Often it's hard to distinguish between taking a break from our task and when we should keep going, have you ever quit when perseverance was calling you to continue?

I have come to the full acceptance that I must make up my mind to keep going, and complete the assignment. Each of us are called to do something amazing with our time on Earth and that doesn't come without struggle. The key is to work our way through it, and not compare ourselves to others. Have you ever found yourself trying to do things like someone else instead of tapping into your Devine creativity? I have realized that often we fail to include God in the smallest of things, instead of taking a few moments to ask Him for direction we turn to everyone and everything except Him. Could it be that God is wanting to do something new through us but we aren't open to it? When it seems like your plans are failing and your dreams are on hold I've learned that during those times we are being molded into something better. Giving up can not be an option. As we keep doing the work let us always remember the Biblical principle, whatsoever I put my hands to shall prosper. Keeping God in our plans is a must, as long as you put the work in He will bless the works of your hands. We are unstuck and we are free.

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