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Writer's pictureQ. Pea

People Pleaser

How many of us are living our lives freely? Truly doing those things that brings us fulfillment and a deep sense of joy. From my experience people are often afraid to be themselves because of the opinion or suggestions of others, be it friend or foe. I've asked myself that million dollar question," what would I really do if I didn't care what others thought of me?"

And I will admit this is an area I am working on to improve, for the most part I feel that I am comfortable making decisions that others may not approve of. I've found that being at liberty to express myself gives me a great sense of happiness. It's almost comical to me when someone says, "if I were you, I would not do that, or I would do this instead." A few things come to mind when hearing those words, each person has a unique sense of creative abilities so we don't think exactly alike. Of course you wouldn't do it the way I would because you aren't me. And vice versa. God had no intension of creating duplicates when you and I were born, and he wants us to focus more on the ideas and plans he has in our hearts than the suggestions and opinions of those around us. How sad is it that some of us allow others to alter who we are because we hold them in such high regard. I've come to the knowledge that who I am is worth more to me than the "idea" of who you may think I am or should be. We are each designed to bring our own flavor to the mix, that's why it's unproductive to compare ourselves to others. You do you and let them do them. I find that asking God to guide me has been a good source for remaining true to who I am, and not altering myself to fit into the mold of others. Each person should be a one of a kind experience, focus on fulfilling your purpose for being here, and cherish those God given talents you were divinely blessed with. It is time for us all to release the need or desire to please others. We are unstuck and we are free!

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Nov 15, 2022

Great post!

Q. Pea
Q. Pea
Nov 15, 2022
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