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New Beginnings

We are all celebrating the start of the new year, many have vowed to leave 2021 behind and begin with a clean slate. As we relish in the the idea of a fresh start, let us also remind ourselves that every new beginning starts with us. It wasn't neccessary to wait for 2022 to create new habits, taking in that same idea may we remember that each of us must put in the work and effort to bring about our desired result(s). Many become discouraged and often say new year's resolutions don't work, I think that deciding to make any change shouldn't be based on a date on the calendar. If it's based on a real need and desire to better ones life then taking the neccessary actions won't be as painful. Keeping these goals and dreams to ourselves is not a bad idea either. Anyone can start a new at any moment they decide to, as long as we are willing to do our part we won't be disappointed. Our end results will be worth the effort. May 2022 be filled with blessings for you and yours. Thank you for your time.

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01 de jan. de 2022

Welcome back. Great words of inspiration for the start of a new year. Here’s to new goals, new inspirations and new motivations!!

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