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Maximize Your Life

Am I living my life to its fullest? That's a question we may want to consider as the moments of our lives pass us by.

Biblical principle reminds us in James 4:14 "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away ."

Take a moment and think about those words. Time is forever moving and many of us live as though we have forever. Some people take their days for granted, they're always assuming tomorrow will come. There are many who had plans for today but like a vapor they've vanished away. Death is a natural part of the life cycle. I'm not afraid of dying, I am afraid of not doing all I was created to do. And I've chosen not to live life as the living dead. Each day we're blessed to experience is for a reason. As we consider the totality of our lives find value in being alive, live like this moment is all you have. Because it is! We often wait for the future and overlook the present. In maximizing our lives let's make a clear decision to see the present moment fully. To choose the best for today, no longer waiting for tomorrow or next week. This moment in time is all that we have. Small changes in our thinking and behavior can lead to a fully lived life. Lots of people are searching for their purpose and what I've come to realize is that sometimes God gives us an idea to do something (which can lead us to the answer for why we're here). And many people fail to act upon the suggestions. It's funny how we overlook the mundane ideas in hopes for greater ones. At times we do very little in our daily lives that are purpose related, instead many fall into the day to day routine of an unfulfilled life. As I began to stretch my beliefs and accept the ideas that were being given to me, especially when I didn't understand them my life began to expand. We must start from somewhere and have faith. Let me encourage you to begin living a maxed out life today. Never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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These words are filled with so much truth, yet meets with such conviction at the same time! The truth is that the only difference between one who fulfills a dream and the one who doesn’t is that one stepped out and did it, while the other sat and thought about it. I often find myself riddled with wishes of turning back the hands of time 20 years and visualizing what I’d do different. But in reality, why not focus on the next 20 years and just do it now. Sure, we don’t know if we have 20 years left but as long as we have breadth in our bodies, we certainly have now. Let’s not continue waiting and wasting ou…

Q. Pea
Q. Pea
Mar 12
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You are absolutely correct. This moment in time is all we have. And it's not too late to pursue the dreams. The vision is bigger than ourselves.


Yes, Yes. . Many times, we get bothered when we see someone step out on faith and prosper, knowing that GOD equips us with that same faith. It's up to us to act on it. If our GOD gives us a vision, we should believe it and go for it. I know that I need to act on my vision he's given me before it's too late.....Life passes by quickly....GOD bless.

Q. Pea
Q. Pea
Mar 12
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Great insight! I have faith in God & in you that today is the day you begin doing what needs to be done to fulfill the vision God has placed within you!

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