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Love You

As we prepare to celebrate Valentines day this week there are many lonely people in our world. Who feel isolated and unloved by others, and at times we do not appreciate the love that we are surrounded by. I want to encourage you to take this moment to love yourself, understand how important you are. Irregardless of who may not love, appreciate or accept you. Love must first begin within before it can be extended to others. Or before we can freely accept it. Sometimes God gives up periods of being alone so that we can connect with Him and through those times we can see areas within ourselves that are unhealed. For some people they find it easy to love others at times to the destruction of themselves. That's not the way we should love, when we cherish ourselves and understand that love is gentle and kind our view of ourselves and those around us would greatly change. The world is filled with many uncaring and unloving people, why not extend the same kindness you expect from others? Each person has value and when we truly love ourselves often it allows us to see one another through a more gentle viewpoint. Take time to work on the way you love you, let God show you where the pain is. And allow his healing love to come into each area of your brokenness. Love yourself so well that you no longer look outside of you to find acceptance. And if you want to have dinner, flowers or candy for Valentines day, purchase them for yourself, you are worth it! Never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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Great post! And timely. The inability to love yourself is an inability to love anyone else!! Happy love yourself day!!!

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