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Level Up

We are all familiar with the term "level up" and typically are a little hyped and motivated when someone says it. But how often are we actually lifting our lives up to the next level? I believe it starts with our thinking and flows down to every other part of our existence.

When I think about my life three months from today I don't want it to be the same. Some parts of it should be more effective and productive. If we are constantly going around in circles with no measurable progress we are failing to rise up in those areas. Recently I read a quote I had written down that says, "raise your standards and the universe will meet you there." Not only was I inspired by those words, I felt it touch something within me. Our lives will not go any higher than our thoughts, beliefs, or actions. When we find ourselves not progressing it's best to look within, yes there are always outside challenges to us moving ahead. But what I have truly come to accept is that those barriers cannot stop us. They can't stop the ideas from flowing, nor can they stop the internal creativity that was God given to you and I. We must level up in our belief in ourselves and what God has placed within us. And most importantly we must understand that no man is more powerful than our creator. Yes, people have power and often misuse it. But that power is limited and I believe in the unlimited power of God. And sometimes those outside set backs are actually tools that we often fail to realize are there to propel us to the next level. Those barriers are for our benefit, often we become so comfortable with the ordinary that we forget we are destined to be extraordinary. I hope today's post encourages you to upgrade the quality of your thinking and the level of your belief. Knowing that at any time the ability to revamp our lives truly lies within each of us. Today is the day to start the process. We are unstuck and we are free.

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