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Let Go!

There are many things that come to mind when someone says let go. Today let's focus on releasing the victim mentality. Have you ever found yourself failing to take responsibility? While pointing the finger at others or circumstances for your mistakes. I think at some point we've all been there and it doesn't seem to take us pretty far. Maturity is standing by our choices, we are where we are in large part do to our decisions.

Today society allow for so many "outs", we have a million reasons to choose from as to why we aren't living to our full potential. Yet there are people with similar or worse conditions than ours who are excelling in life. I have come to the conclusion that individually we can do whatever we want. Many amazing people have overcome unimaginable dilemmas, those stories should inspire us to do the same. It really is our mindset and how we've come to believe that we bear little to no responsibility for our lives. God did not create you and me to be a casualty of life, there is so much inside of us that is not being used. It's easy to complain and wait for others to fix it, but I want to push you forward and remind you that it's your life! We each have the ability to fix our mistakes and make our lives better. Daily we must work on our mindset and be willing to accept the role we play in the success or failure of our lives. Let go and live.

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20 lug 2022

Yes....great insight

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