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Judgment or Accountability

It's become so common to hear people exclaim, stop judging me. I often feel that's become the way out for many not to accept accountability. When we find ourselves unwilling to accept correction and wise counsel that's a sign our lives are headed in the wrong direction. In the book of Proverbs we are reminded fools despise wisdom & instruction. I will be the first to admit being held responsible isn't always pleasant nor easy. The Bible reminds us that God chasteneth those He loves. When we find ourselves being defensive for being loved enough to be corrected maybe our thoughts should be filled with thanksgiving. If we are headed in the wrong direction and God loves us so much to instruct us that we are going the wrong way, why would we become angry at the messenger? My belief is that we don't want to change and accusing someone of being judgemental often makes us feel good. But many people tend to forget the accountability will still remain. We all will give an account for our individual behavior. I must remind myself while God is merciful and loving, He is also a God of wrath and judgment, we can't disobey his instructions and not pay a penalty. I want to encourage you, as well as myself to take full accountability for our lives. Most of all, thank God for bringing correction before destruction. Many people destroy their lives simply because they refused to accept correction and denied accountability. I hope today's post gives you something to think about, please feel free to share this with a friend. And never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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