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Is it help or a hindrance?

Many of us have been in situations where someone we love has asked for help. But so often those same people are always in need of assistance and at what point does helping someone becomes a hindrance to their growth and personal development? I've seen this happen many times, the helper becomes a crutch. Always bailing out the one in need, not allowing that person the opportunity to figure things out for themselves. Twenty plus years ago I had an arrangement with my sister. She would send me the money to pay my rent and I would repay her once I received my paycheck. God dropped a thought in my heart, what if she wasn't able to help me one month. And that I needed to figure it out for myself. I then realized it was my responsibility to manage the due date of the bills in line with the dates I was getting paid. That taught me an important lesson about accountability and self sufficiency. I feel that in today's society many people push their responsibilities onto others. It's ok to ask for help but it shouldn't be a way of life. Nor should we feel guilty for saying no to someone who constantly needs help. At some point the person needing help has to stand on their own two feet. When we're always running to the rescue we become a hindrance to the lesson God is trying to teach them. At times we need to face difficulties to show us our strengths. The next time that person who always ask for the same kind of help calls, ask yourself this. Am I helping or hurting them? Loving someone enough to let them learn for themselves can be difficult but I've come to realize it is a necessary part of personal development and growth. I hope today's post inspires you to help with limitations. And never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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Awesome!! My late pastor always said that as long as you live, people will come into your life . When they do, you must determine if they are an asset or a liability. An asset is something that adds value , whereas a liability is something that, in the long term, could hinder or diminish your value or goals. Not to say that we shouldn't help one that is in need, but we should not be their only go-to when they make no attempt to solve issue for themselves. The majority of the time, it may not be a money issue, but they may want you to make a major decision for them so that if that decision fails, th…

Q. Pea
Q. Pea
Jun 24
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Your comment is on point! And makes such great points, thank you.

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