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Hold Your Head Up

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

There's power in looking up, speaking to someone while making eye contact. Moving throughout the day looking forward and not down. Each of us have & will continue to make mistakes, we can't allow that to distort the positive image we hold of ourselves. When a person walks with their head down, I believe it's a sign of low self-esteem or a feeling of not counting. We all count and are all very important! No more low-grade thinking, especially when you feel like you aren't winning in life. That's when we must push even harder and walk with our heads high. Own the environment when you step in, become a presence that can't be ignored. Allowing your internal confidence to speak boldly for you. You and I have no reason to walk or engage in a conversation with anyone with our heads hung down. Look up! Things are working out well for you, keep your head up.

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22 de mai. de 2022

So true! You can’t reach for the sky when you’re focused on the ground. We must keep looking up, even when we’re feeling down. Besides, it’s only a temporary feeling.

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