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Handle with Care

When mailing a package that is valuable it's often labeled "handle with care". Why not take that same approach when it comes to the management of our lives? Often we live life recklessly and give little regard to the consequences of our choices. Our lives are precious and should be managed that way. Caring first begins within and truly understanding the value of oneself. We can look at areas of our lives and see where we've place more attention and other areas where we have obvious neglect. Today let's make a choice to work on those things that needs addressing. Life is a constant project and we are the project managers of ourselves. That means we can seek out help and advice when we need it. And that it does not have to be completed by ourselves. One of the best things I do for myself is listen to people who've done the things I desire to accomplish. Or those who have visible success in areas that will improve my life. We have access to so much good information today, we must use it to our benefit. Handling our lives with care requires our full involvement. Take charge of your life, handle it with love and care. Do not overlook any detail and never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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Great words of encouragement. Life is too precious to waste. We also should invite people in our lives that can enrich or influence the things we want to accomplish in it, not those with negativity that hinder our growth.

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