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Writer's pictureQ. Pea


Don't stop growing and improving. It is a necessity of life, I believe that learning must be a part of our daily living. We are always evolving, that is if we're willing to. How easy it is to become stuck in an old pattern of thinking and behavior. Thinking about my life over the past several months it's almost unreal to me where I'm at presently. Over the past several years I've made it a habit to fill my mind with new ideas. That includes listening to podcasts, audio books, and lectures. I became very interested in living a better quality of life and working on myself from the inside out. Opening my mind has allowed me to expand my ideas and beliefs about myself and the life I desire. When we open ourselves up to stretching beyond our current situation or our zone of comfort we will experience growing pains. This process will reveal a lot about ourselves. What's working and more so, what isn't working. It is a life long journey, one that should be welcomed and cherished. You and I were not created to remain the same, seasons change and so must we. I want each of us to always be open to being more and truly authentic in the way we live and in who we are. Grant yourself permission to grow. Never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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