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God is actually smarter than me

Yesterday I listened to a podcast and the host made a comment, "God is smart." I thought about it and how we so often make choices opposite of what God is directing us to do. Have you ever found yourself thinking you knew better than Him?

While many may so no, not me. I would challenge your answer and say yes, we have all said so with our actions. Or we totally ignore Biblical principles as if they don't apply to us. God has so many practical ways for doing things, that if we actually followed his direction life would be more enjoyable and profitable. Sometimes we are taught his ideas without knowing it. A lot of motivational speakers incorporate Biblical stories and concepts in to their books and lectures. Failing to give God credit while simply rewording what he's said for countless generations. I want us to remember no matter how smart we consider ourselves there is always a wisdom higher than our limited mindset. Turns out, God is actually smarter than you and me. We are unstuck and we are free.

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