The idea for today's post came to me one night while laying in bed. I think most of us can relate to inserting ourselves into situations where we've felt the need to fix or handle them. Too often we become a hindrance, in my own experiences I've come to realize that God always resolve problems in ways I would have never thought of. Are you a person whose made yourself and idol to others? Meaning, they call you first and for everything. God should always be our first option. He may lead us to others but He should never be our last resort. When looking back over some of my choices I now see with clarity how I failed to consult God, I was figuring things out for myself. Learning to get out of His way can be hard, especially for those who like being in control. As I am one of those people I can say that it is a relief to realize I don't have to do it all on my own. Trusting God's guidance takes practice and it requires trust in Him. It's interesting to me that as people we often find it hard to rely on the Creator who created us. As if we know more than Him. Many of our emotional issues would resolve if we chose to live life reliant on Devine guidance. There are many Biblical principles that instructs us to rely on God & not ourselves. He wants to take care of us but we must be willing to allow Him access to do so. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding ." [Proverbs 3:5] Allow the fact that we're advised to trust in Him and that we don't have to figure it out alone to be of comfort today as you face life's challenges. When we humble ourselves to ask God for guidance He's faithful to respond. Move out of the way and allow Him to be God in your life! Never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!
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