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Writer's pictureQ. Pea

From Dream to Reality

How do you take your dream and make it your reality? Often I hear people talk about wanting to do something amazing yet fail to take the steps needed. Or they give up too soon and allow discouragement and a lack of discipline to take over. As I think about my goals and dreams I've come to understand that it requires something from me. I have them written out and I see myself achieving the things in my heart and I have faith that they will come to past successfully. That's all important, however if I don't take action then my dreams will only live inside of me and no one will ever see the external manifestation of them. When I had a desire to create a blog I was clueless, for me I am a believer in asking God for guidance. I met with a friend who gave me the steps needed to get started. It was up to me to follow the advice. It was a bit of a challenge at first because I had difficulty figuring things out but I did not allow that to stop me. Writing the blog post naturally led into recording a podcast. In my mind I see my writings and recordings uplifting the minds and hearts of each person who reads or listens to them. It's easy to become distracted by the numbers when they're not matching up to your expectations. Often people want success quickly without appreciating the lessons learned during the slow times. When I write, record, and release my post I do so with the expectation that it's doing what I believe it's created to do. What is in your heart or written on your list of goals to do? Today I want to light a fire within you to get started and don't become sidetracked by anything or anyone. Sometimes we must work our plan without a public announcement.

Don't allow friends lack of enthusiasm for your project to become a hindrance either. People will not always be as excited for you as you'd expect them to be. Sometimes they may show little to no interest. And that's ok, stay focused. Those aren't your "people". There's a passage of scripture you should remember, "A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men". (Proverbs 18 :16) No one can stop your success, wake up from your daydreaming and get to work. As you move towards your goals watch how God blesses you with ideas and your creativity will begin to expand beyond your imagination. Take your dream and turn it into your reality. Never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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Jan 29, 2024

Thank you for those outstanding words of encouragement. I find myself at times setting goals that I feel GOD has made for me. But more often or not, I get distracted by either my fears or maybe what people may say or think. Like the word says, GOD knows the plans that he thinks of us. We need to walk out on faith to receive all the blessings that he has for us. Continue to spread your words of wisdom because you never know who needs to receive this!!!

Jan 29, 2024
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I receive that!!

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