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Forgive Yourself

One thing we must do is have the courage to forgive ourselves. We often talk about forgiving others but fail to realize how important it is to extend forgiveness towards ourselves. Let's not forget that we're human and our lives are often filled with blunders and mistakes both big and small. When I accepted the fact that perfection wasn't required I gained a sense of freedom. When I make an error, I have learned to accept full responsibility. Learn the lesson and proceed with life. At times we can be so critical and unloving to ourselves. God knew ahead of time every mistake we would make and yet He allowed us to exist. There is experience to be gained from our mistakes. Releasing ourselves from what we did not do right will open us up to so many good thing. You nor I can erase where we fell short but we can love ourselves enough to say I am forgiven by God and I choose to forgive myself. Unforgiveness will keep you enslaved to the past, take note of where you fell short and don't fall in that trap again. Life is to be lived in the here and now, free yourself so that you can be the person God fully created you to be. Make a positive impact by starting first with yourself. Never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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I totally agree. We can not fully be free of guilt and other emotions felt unless we first learn to forgive ourselves. This allows us to give compassion to others who have wrong us one way or another. If we truly forgive ourselves we are better equipped to forgive others. GOD bless you for this on time words of encouragement.

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