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Financial Self-Care

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

We are always taught it's better to give than to receive. And while I sincerely believe this, there seems to be a belief that giving to yourself is selfish. Some give out so much that there's nothing left to give to themselves, causing financial strain.

I've come to realize sometimes God blesses us with unexpected finances so we can care for our own needs. Everything isn't meant to be given out, maybe that additional money would benefit building up our savings accounts or help pay off a debt. I have been guilty of not taking the best care of my financial needs, sometimes giving to others out of guilt. A few things I've learned are, keep your financial blessing to yourself. People who may be having money problems can make you feel obligated to help them out of situations they're well able to fix themselves. When we stop and ask God for guidance he will direct us in managing our money. We can all look back over financial decisions and see many we could have better managed. One of the best gifts you and I can decide to give ourselves is financial care, the commitment to love ourselves enough to manage our financial lives better. At any time anyone can do this, regardless of our income level or any excuse that pops in our head. Caring for our finances today will prepare us for a more secure tomorrow. We are unstuck and we are free.

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