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Financial Change Begins w/ Me

We have the ability to change our lives through choices and actions. Any day we choose, which takes away the need to complain or feel victimized. Being able to recognize where the change is needed is a great starting point.

This can be applied directly to areas of money in our lives, there are some money issues we have simply because of unwise decisions on our part. I have really come to accept full responsibility for the state of my finances, the good and the bad. When we acknowledge the role we've played, it allows us to be open to developing new habits. No one can fix our money problems but ourselves, sometimes it's as simple as creating a budget. Knowing what's coming in and going out. Other times, it can be a lack of preparation, not having enough money in our savings. Once we pinpoint the issue, the question then becomes what can I do to prevent this from happening again? If we are wise enough to learn from the error of our ways we will make the adjustments immediately. I have been listening to the simple, steady steps many have used to build wealth over time. And I will say in order to follow those footsteps I must be open to modifying my behavior to see the same results. The message is simple financial changes begins within. We are unstuck and we are free.

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