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Fight Your Way Through

How exciting it is to watch your favorite team fight their way to victory when defeat seems inevitable. It's exhilarating to see the sheer willpower it takes for them to keeping going in the face of their opponent. Daily, you and I are faced with oppositions that challenge our faith in God & in ourselves. At times we are fighting for our lives and to hold on to our sanity. Do you ever feel that God's way is so simple that it can't work? In honesty, I must say yes, I have felt like that before. It reminds be of a passage of scripture where we are reminded that His ways are higher than ours. Yet something as simple as our words can turn our lives around. The thought came to me one day that I should speaks words that were positive and have a more optimistic attitude. Funny, because I thought up until then, that my attitude was fine. The more I thought about it, I could see where changes within me were needed. Fighting my way through the challenge I was facing required me to take a different approach, a God approach. When we think about our lives and all the victories of the past, how could we consider giving up now? Through our difficulties our testimonies are constructed, so that we're able to help others on their journey. We are stronger than we know. Never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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Definitely an area worth attention in my life! I was talking to someone recently about displeasure with a certain thing and their advice to me was just what you were led to do. To change your approach how you were dealing with it or seeing it. Still working on actually doing that but I’ve often heard that the longer it takes for us to learn what God is teaching us, the longer he keeps us where we are. Wow! Well, if no one else is blessed by this post today, I was. Thanks!!!

Q. Pea
Q. Pea

Thank you for always interacting with our post, and we are so happy you were blessed by it.

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