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Writer's pictureQ. Pea

Express Yourself

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

Are you free to be you? Or do you make choices with the opinion of others floating around in the back of your mind? I believe that when we hold back the true expression of who we are it does something to us that we are unaware of. Slowly chipping away our creative and genuine selves. Think back to a time when someone said something negative to you, could have been about your work, the way you look or even how you spoke. For many of us we replay those words and sometimes it causes us to alter or change who we are, or the way we do what we do. Not necessarily for the better. But merely for the negative opinion that was given. It's like saying, what I have to offer or who I am isn't enough.

I've had women comment about my make up, they felt it was too much. I can say from my experience in times when someone is bold enough to tell you what they don't like about you. The most powerful thing you can do is keep being you. Make no alterations in what you are doing, wearing, or saying. I thought to myself, do these people really think that I am going to change who I am because of their opinions? It was almost comical. There was no need for me to "snap back", my "made up" face was the only response needed. How much of yourself is being held back or placed on the back burner because you are afraid to show your true expression of creativity? There will forever be someone who has a negative comment about what others are doing. I am here to encourage you, allow the fullness and beauty of yourself to be expressed freely. In whatever gifts you have to offer. Self- expression is liberating! It's amazing how happiness opens up when we aren't bound by the thoughts of others. God made us all unique expressions of his love and creativity, how amazing is that? I hope today's post inspires you to freely show the world what you have to offer, express yourself!

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Jun 23, 2022

Love this article. I heard someone say, if you fuel your journey on the opinions of others, you will soon run out of gas!!! People will never be satisfied with who they think we should be….wonderful reminder.

Q. Pea
Q. Pea
Jun 23, 2022
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