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Embrace Your Blessings

I am sure I may have written about this topic before. This past week I was reminded to welcome my blessings with open arms and without guilt or explanation. How is it that we ask God for something, He answers and we allow people to make us feel undeserving of God's goodness? I've been guilty of this in the past and have made a decision to no longer live that way. There will always be someone who feels that your blessings should have been their's while others are simply jealous. Biblical principle reminds us that God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servant. (Psalm 35:27) If God takes delight in blessing me I take delight in receiving all that He has to give. Don't allow the words or opinion of others to take the joy out of God's goodness in your life. Instead use that energy to give God praise and thanksgiving. Years ago I heard someone ask the question, can you stand to be blessed? While many of us said yes enthusiastically, the truth is, until you overcome what people say or think about you, you really aren't ready for all the good God has in store for you. Start with the blessings you now have. First by giving all the glory or credit to God. Should you find yourself explaining why "good things always happen to you" just stop. Reset your mind to thoughts of thanksgiving and release any guilt you may feel. Don't squander your blessings away because you're trying to make others feel good. If God touches your heart to be a blessing to others then follow His guidance. Make sure you're not doing it out of guilt or people's unspoken expectations. Remember all of your blessings aren't meant to be shared, know what to keep private. You are free to be blessed and to enjoy what God has chosen to do for and through you. Embrace your blessings with a meek and thankful heart. And never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free.

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