This year is nearing an end and I wonder how many of us have allowed time to pass without doing those things we wanted to do? Or even making the attempt to begin.

What have you allowed your thoughts or those negative voices around you to talk you out of? Many times we are our biggest set back, saying and doing the opposite of what we desire. When people have the means to put their dreams into action but don't it's very sad. Typically it's do to a lack of confidence within or concerns over what others will say or think. Think back over the last eight months and how many people have left this world, I wonder what percentage of them died with unfulfilled dreams and desires. Our lives truly are a gift and there are many people who are living their best life. Yet I would dare to say there are so many more who have talked themselves out of reaching their highest potential. When we are fearful we find all kinds of excuses as to why something can't be done. But what I've found in those who have a winners mentality is that we go forth despite the obstacles. Pursuing what's been placed in our hearts even when it seems like nothing is happening, we do not talk ourselves out of the dream. We talk ourselves into the fact that it is possible. Keep pushing and flip the negative talk into words of empowerment. You must be your biggest supporter and you must believe in you when no one else does. You are unstuck and you are free.
I’ve found these words to be so true. After doing a mental inventory of how many things I’ve sold myself short of, I made the decision to go forth, even in the midst of doubt. So many people are so afraid of finishing, they won’t even start. But how crazy is that? Getting to the finish line requires us to begin at the starting line. All we have to do is believe in ourselves enough to START! Great words of wisdom and encouragement.