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Don't Take Peace For Granted

Often I've looked outside my window in amazement at the silence of the night. In awe of the peace that fills the streets and yet I am reminded of those who are living in constant noise and fear. Throughout this world many people are experiencing an unsettled life. As we pray for restoration of peace let us not take for granted the blessing we have. How often do we find ourselves complaining about the smallest of inconveniences? We have so much to be grateful for. Today the message is simple and straightforward, do not take the peace you have for granted. Appreciate it and thank God for it. Never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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08 de jan.
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Without a doubt something we all can stand to be reminded of! I admit that I am guilty of complaining about the small things, without recognizing how many people would trade places with me in a heartbeat. I’m also very cognizant of the peace I have as I lay down at night with a nice roof over my head, after having eaten a better-than-average meal, all my bills paid with money leftover in the bank, all of what I need and much of what I want, and the list goes on. This post serves as a needed reminder to be grateful of the peace that I have in so many areas of my life and to be mindful that ther…

Q. Pea
Q. Pea
08 de jan.
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Absolutely!! Well said, we are blessed for sure!

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