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Does God care if I prosper?

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

Many times we overlook God as a factor when it comes to money. Some may feel that God isn't concerned with our money issues, but I believe he is. When we are successful in matters of money think of all the good that can be done. And how many things we wouldn't stress about. There are several Biblical principles that remind us God cares about the economics of our lives. From giving to saving to money management.

He covers it all! I've heard it said that we are empowered to prosper so that we can dispense goods to others. I can't help you when I am in a state of need. How many times do we make financial decisions without asking for guidance or ignoring that voice that's saying "no"? Yet, once the consequences of our choices take effect we ask for help. I've learned it's best to ask first, many times God's instructions will differ from what we want to do. Often it may not make sense. That's where trust in him must override our opinions. Allowing him to be our financial guide, from personal experience I can say his ways are definitely not mine. But his ways produce amazing results. His plans for our lives is that we prosper in matters of money, that we are able to provide for ourselves. We are not to live life in a state of need nor be at the mercy of anyone. He has provided all that we need, don't be afraid to ask for help. Once you get it, pass your wisdom on to someone as an act of thanksgiving.

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