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Writer's pictureQ. Pea

Do Not Disturb Mode

Are you constantly bothered by phone calls, text messages, and notifications? Sometimes you must place yourself in do not disturb mode. We live in a time where we have instant access to one another. I've found that giving myself a window of uninterrupted "no access" from outside distractions has been a welcomed change. It gives me time to myself and for myself without being pulled on by others. Especially at the start of the day, it allows me time to take care of me physically, mentally, spirituality, and emotionally. Limited access is a beautiful thing, having time with my thoughts and preparing myself for the day ahead has altered the quality of my life. It has been such a positive and much welcomed change. For me, I have removed certain apps from my phone. At first I wasn't sure how this was going to go. But I've adapted very well and found such a sense of peace within. It has freed up time for other things. When there's liberty to do what's nourishing to your soul it opens a new perspective on life. You feel a sense of fulfillment and freedom. Should you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by people's constant access to you try taking a few moments in the do not disturb zone. Walk away from the phone, the email will be there when you return, and simply take some time for yourself. A few moments of solitude can have a big impact and give you that boost to carry on. I hope today's post inspires you to give yourself permission to not be disturbed. To unplug and fully be present in those moments. And never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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Great advice. It’s amazing how we all seem to be on the go 24/7, with constant connection to each other but spend very little time with or to ourselves. I’ve also taken steps to implement some quiet time and turn on the DND feature. It puts me in control of who I connect with and when I connect with them. It really has been rewarding.

Q. Pea
Q. Pea

And it's a great way to regain control of time often wasted. As well as reconnecting with yourself and with God.

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