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Devine Timing

We've all heard the saying, "timing is everything." Have you ever had an idea but felt it wasn't the right time to present it? I believe those "feelings" we often get are nudges from God, just as our great ideas are from him. Two years ago, I want to make a career change but felt led to wait, and while I didn't understand why I choose not to make a move. Which worked out in my best interest, often we can allow the excitement of a new venture to become our driving force. Sometimes forgetting that we must be in alignment with Devine timing. Thinking back to when I purchased my home and how everything fell into place, having no idea what the future real estate market would be. That was moving in Devine time, because I couldn't for see the future, but God knew what was on the horizon. So often when we think we're missing out I have come to believe many times it's for our protection. I was frustrated that the rental I was living in had increased in price to more than I felt was fair. And while I thought I was buying a house because I thought the rental rate had increased. God was preparing me for the future. Even in the years prior when I thought it was a good time to buy, things weren't lining up. Now I understand the timing wasn't right. As we learn & grow as individuals, I hope we all remember to acknowledge God for guidance. So that we are moving according to His plan for our lives. I will be the first to admit, it's not easy but it can prevent us from a lot of heart aches. Never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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