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Writer's pictureQ. Pea

Divine Ideas

Have you ever had a really good idea? I believe those thoughts come from God. Sometimes the suggestions are so simple that we can dismiss them if we're not mindful. Or have a tendency to react slowly as if the thoughts did not mean much. I've become more aware of Divine ideas as they can be life changing, taking a person from the bottom to the top.

When I think about my response to some of the ideas God has placed in my heart it makes me question how could I second guess Him? He knows every minute detail of this life's journey each of us are on. And has placed gifts within us that have yet to be revealed. Still, I find myself asking how is it going to happen? But more and more I am choosing to trust and not question. Biblical principle teaches us that all good & perfect things comes from above. God will not place ideas to harm or destroy ourselves or anyone else. Many times we take credit for having good ideas without realizing the whispers we hear do not come from ourselves. It comes from the Divine, I'm learning to acknowledge that and simply say "thank you God." When I think about how often I've missed something and a thought came to mind to read the email again, look over the calendar, or ask one more question. Those thoughts were not of myself. When I see the creative abilities that flows through me I am in awe. Life flows a lot smoother when we give into the Divine ideas that are waiting to reveal themselves to us. Let me encourage you as I remind myself to remain open minded and open-hearted. God wants to do great things through you and I. Never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free! If you were inspired by today's post why not share with someone you love.

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