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Create new financial habits

As we roll through this month may we take inventory of our financial habits. You know, those behaviors that keep us going around our circle of financial distress. First, we must pin point the action before making a meaningful change.

For example, I have done a lot of spending on things that aren't of necessity. Those few dollars add up, my goal now becomes more mindful spending habits, while increasing savings. And listening to sound money advice from those I trust. Truly I have learned it is about the very basics. Don't spend more than you make, live below your means, put something to the side, and be prepared for the unexpected. With creating any new habit we must have the desire, and understand the benefits of doing so. The simple concepts of money management date back to Biblical times, there are many passages of scripture that teaches us how to handle our resources wisely. They are true and guarantee results. It's taken me some time to fully accept that fact that one's income isn't the issue. More so, it's the handling of what's coming in. Two people making the same amount of money through the course of a lifetime while person A fairs very well, and person B struggles to survive. The difference between the two are choices, the dollar amount played little in the end result. The final point I want to make is this, it's so important that we monitor who we're taking any type of advice from. Be wise enough to weigh what you hear against the results it's producing. I hope today's post inspires you to take a look at your financial habits, correct those which are causing economic pain, and be open to creating new and productive ones. We are unstuck and we are free.

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