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Recently I read a disturbing story about a woman who was killed by someone she knew. As I read the story, I thought to myself, were there signs that this person should not be trusted? Did people warn her? It made me really think about how someone she trusted betrayed her, and that we must be on guard when it comes to connecting with people. This can be applied to any type of relationship; it's been said who you associate with is who/what you will become. I've had people in my life that I recognized what they represented was not what or who I was. Nor what I desired to become, as a matter of fact it was the opposite.

Sometimes we deceive ourselves into thinking having a lot of people around is best. Very often the opposite is true, if there's one "right person" in your corner that's all you need. At times it's best to be alone. Value the lessons learned in solitude. I think that God sends signals to us when a connection isn't in our best interest. Sometimes we listen and other times we don't. Have you connected with someone that instinctively you knew wasn't good for you? I wonder, why do we ignore the signals? In a work environment it's not always easy to put distance between yourself and a co-worker. But what we can do is maintain a healthy distance and be mindful of what we are sharing. As we have all learned, in life not everyone can be trusted. Sometimes those you think and expect to be in your corner can be the same people planning your downfall. I hope today's post reminds us all to listen to those internal nudges when it comes to those we are connecting with or connected to. That we will protect ourselves from emotional and physical harm. Who we connect with is very important, it influences our decisions and often times the direction of our lives. Stay connected to the right people and disconnect from the wrong ones.

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Jun 23, 2022

Yeah we should always guard our heart amd mind when it comes to people we call "friends". Best to call them acquaintances until GOD shows us otherwise......

Q. Pea
Q. Pea
Jun 23, 2022
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Great advice!!


Jun 23, 2022

Words so full of truth. Not everyone who claims to be your “friend” wants to see you thrive. In fact, they stay close waiting to see you fail. I’m also of the mindset that one true friend is better than 10 imposters.

Q. Pea
Q. Pea
Jun 23, 2022
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Well said!

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