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Change Your Inner Voice

Updated: Oct 10, 2023

What are you saying to yourself? Why do we find it easy to sabotage our lives and our futures through wrong thoughts, words, and connections?Today it's time to take inventory on what's playing on repeat in our minds. We must immediately take hold of negative words and thoughts and replace them with words and thoughts that will empower ourselves. For me, it is a must that I listen to and speak positive words daily. I limit people's access to me, especially those who are filled with negativity. There are so many things in life we have little to no control over, but there are also a lot of things we do have control over. What I say to myself, what I allow to consume my thoughts and time is up to me. We must build ourselves up constantly and it begins with our internal conversation. Sometimes we must disconnect to clear our minds and hearts. Allow your internal dialogue to be in agreement with the wonderful things God says about you. When your internal conversation changes it shows up in the way you speak and live your life. Talk with love and kindness to yourself, listen to or write positive affirmations and say them out loud daily. And watch the transformation that takes place within. You will become unrecognizable to many people. Biblical principle we must remember, "as a man thinks in his heart so is he." Allow your inner voice to become your biggest fan. Never forget, we are unstuck, and we are free!

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Oct 09, 2023

True . We should all confess daily to ourselves what we expect out of our lives . Life and death come from what we speak .

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